
Ewing's Sarcoma
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Meet Chris, a fun-loving, outgoing, and kind-hearted kid whose life took an unexpected turn in August 2023. While on summer vacation, Chris began experiencing severe pain on his right side. Concerned, his family took him to the doctor, who immediately ordered tests. The results revealed that something was wrong with his stomach, prompting his transfer to Beth Israel Hospital in Newark for further evaluation. After a few difficult days there, Chris was transferred again, this time to RWJ Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ, where he finally received the specialized care he needed.

It was at RWJ that Chris was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare form of cancer. His diagnosis marked the beginning of many long months of chemotherapy, hospital stays, and a series of treatments that challenged not only Chris but his entire family. His parents and brothers stood by his side every step of the way, reshaping their lives to be there for him through every difficult moment. The emotional and logistical toll was immense, but they found strength in one another and in the amazing support system provided by the social workers and hospital staff at RWJ.

Despite the heavy burden of his diagnosis and treatment, Chris never lost his light. His laughter, sense of humor, and positive attitude inspired everyone around him. Even on his toughest days, Chris remained a beacon of hope and joy, reminding us all of the power of resilience. We at Fightstrong Foundation were fortunate enough to meet Chris and were honored to be able to bring even more happiness to his journey. We’re proud to have put an even bigger smile on his face, offering support during this difficult time.

The Fightstrong Foundation had the privilege of stepping in to help bring more joy into Chris’s life. To brighten his hospital stays and give him something exciting to look forward to, we donated a Nintendo Switch, along with several games and accessories. We also provided new bedding and toys to make his hospital room feel a bit more like home, giving him comfort during his time of treatment. Seeing the smile on Chris’s face as he received these gifts was priceless, and it’s moments like these that remind us of the importance of spreading love and support.

Chris’s story is one of courage, family, and unshakable positivity. Through his bravery and the unwavering love of his family, we know Chris will continue to face his battle with strength, determination, and a heart full of hope. We are rooting for you, Chris!

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